


sE Electronics RF PRO Reflexion Filter

You save ₹3,000

Product details

The sE Electronics RF PRO Reflexion Filter PRO is a portable reflection filter designed to mitigate the acoustic conditions prevalent in home studios. Traditionally, acoustical treatments have been expensive propositions, requiring extensive testing and construction on various surfaces. With the advent of project and small satellite studios, innovative techniques have surfaced to deal with the economics and practicality of treating those acoustic situations.

The Reflexion Filter PRO aims to address this issue by providing a curved baffle with a patented multilayer design; the filter is positioned behind any microphone by means of a variable-position stand/clamp assembly. This reduces the amount of acoustic energy hitting any untreated walls, in addition to which, less of the original source is reflected back to the microphone as unwanted room ambience.


  • The original Reflexion Filter invented by sE
  • Patented multi-layer technology
  • Works evenly across the whole frequency spectrum
  • Ensures a balanced, even sound with no coloration at all
  • The choice of renowned recording artists worldwide
  • Each Reflexion Filter is hand-made in our very own factory

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